The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part is the latest entry in Warner Bros' Lego movie franchise, this being the first direct sequel the the original Lego Movie. This film takes place 5 years after the events of the first one, and it features the characters from the first one living in an apocalyptic society, and Emmet's the only one that seems happy. However, he must toughen up in order to save his friends after they're kidnapped. Now, before I start the actual review, I must say The Lego Movie is my favorite animated movie of the decade. It's creative, funny, clever, and it has heart to spare. So when I heard Phil Lord and Christopher Miller weren't returning to direct and were only writing the script and Mike Mitchell, who directed Shrek Forever After and Trolls, was their replacement, I got nervous. I am not a fan of either of Mitchell's films as an animation director, and following up a comedic masterpiece is hard to do. Well, did Mitchell break through and deliver a worthy sequel, or did he mess up?
Unfortunately, he did neither.
Let's start with the things I liked. First of all, the animation looks absolutely stunning as all these movies do. There's so much detail and care put in that it has to be complemented. It looks like fantastic stop-motion at points and even at points where it looks glossier, it still works visually and it helps create a unique, creative world that I just can't get enough of.
This film also has a solid amount of heart. If one thing did not disappoint, it was the message and its execution. It feels very genuine in that retrospect and it ties in well to the story. It's basically about being yourself and you shouldn't change because someone wants you to, and that's something we can all get behind. I've heard people say the message was forced, but I thought it tied in well to the film's plot and I got a decent amount out of it.
The script is also good. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller put a good amount of thought into it and it had several moments that worked well. The main characters also have decent arcs here, particularly Emmet, and they feel like natural continuations from the first movie. They make these characters feel human, even though they are Lego characters. These men are two of my favorite screenwriters and directors in all of Hollywood at the moment because of their love for their craft. Films like the first Lego Movie and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse have shown this, and their script here is more proof that they know how to write good material.
However, that leads me into the negatives, and there's really one big negative I have with this movie; The directing. Mike Mitchell had so many resources; A good script, great animation, a good premise, and he just pulls this movie down. His directing lacks punch and he makes so many moments fall flat. Remember how I said in Lord and Miller's script there are many gags that were funny? Well, in the movie, they're not, because they lack proper comedic timing and style. It feels like he tried to copy the directing from the first one, but Mitchell is not a great director and just can't pull it off. It makes the film feel more manufactured than it should be, because that's what he is; A studio hire. A couple other directors went in and out of this film because of creative differences, and he was the safe choice because he would do what they wanted. It's really him and the studio that let this film down. It's not Lord and Miller, it's not the voice actors, it's not anything else; It's the director and the studio. There is still plenty to love in the film and there are moments of humor that do work on-screen, but many of the jokes and even a couple emotional moments fall flat.
So, I wish there was more to talk about other than some vague thoughts, but there's not much to discuss here. I wished I loved this movie more, I really do; It has so much going for it, like good voice actors, stunning animation, and a good script, but it's the studio-manufactured directing that makes so many moments fall flat. Kids will surely love this movie, but everyone else will more likely be more lukewarm on it. If you have kids that want to see it, go ahead and take them. It's decent and it has enough for older viewers to like, but don't expect something as good as the first one. I don't want to sound overly negative here, because I like the film fine, and it's a good movie for children. As a sequel to one of the greatest animated movies of all time though, it lacks the touch to be considered a worthy sequel in my eyes.
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